What am I afraid of the most?
The true harbinger of death, the pale horseman.
Despite any effort against it, time continues its maleficent scheme.
Eating away at me inch by inch, until there is nothing left of me.
Time the grandmaster.
The unpurchasable.
Therefore, look into my eyes. See the truth.
For these eyes are deteriorating as time spreads its wrath upon them.
Its unquenchable thirst, its ceaseless hunger.
Notice me, as time may decide any second now that I have been, for far too long.
I am a slave to time, but for these brief moments, I am free.
When my eyes lay upon you, I enter a plane in which time is forbidden, exiled.
I create a million lives and a million deaths.
Each of them, loving you in a different and unexplored way.
In an instant, it’s all gone, and time expands and multiplies.
Creating infinite loops in which I wander aimlessly.
Until, once again, I see you.
Time, my ultimate enemy as it may not be so generous with me.
Ending me when I have just begun.